Saturday, August 31, 2019

Lung Cancer Essay Essay

Lung Cancer Institution Background   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Lung cancer was acknowledged as a distinct disease in 1761. Lung cancer, also known as carcinoma of the lung or pulmonary carcinoma, is the uncontrolled growth of unusual cells that starts in one or both lungs, typically in the cells that line the air passages. The abnormal cells divide fast and form tumors. These tumors become larger and more frequent, therefore weakening the lung’s ability to provide the bloodstream with oxygen. There are two forms of tumors: benign and malignant tumors. Benign tumors are those that remain in one place and do not seem to spread. Malignant tumors are more dangerous. They spread to other areas of the body, through the bloodstream or the lymphatic system. This process of spreading is referred to as metastasis.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There are two main types of lung cancer: primary lung cancer and secondary lung cancer.(Johns, 1998). Primary lung cancer starts in the lungs while secondary lung cancer starts somewhere else in the body and metastasizes, and reaches the lungs. The two most renowned types of primary lung cancer are small-cell lung carcinoma (SCLC) and non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC). Non-small cell lung carcinomas include squamous cell cancers (which are the most common type), adenocarcinoma and large-cell carcinoma. A squamous cell carcinoma grows gradually and might not spread to other parts of the body for some time. SCLC grows and spread gradually and by the time it is diagnosed, it may have spread to other parts of the body. About one in five cases of lung cancer are SCLC.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Secondary lung cancer (metastatic lung cancer), is not as common as primary lung cancer. Secondary lung cancer is normally a cancer that has metastasized from a primary cancer, more likely from the large bowel, bladder, breast, testicle, stomach, gullet, kidney, and a skin cancer called malignant melanoma. A secondary lung cancer may be assumed to be from a diagnosed primary cancer. Occasionally, it may be found before a primary cancer referred to as â€Å"unknownprimary† that may not be possible to find. Secondary lung cancer may cause fluid to collect in the area between the two membranes (the pleural) that surrounds the lungs. This is known as pleural effusion. It is possible to extract the fluid and scrutinise it for cancer. You can tell that a cancer is secondary if the cells look like the cells from the primary cancer. For instance, if the primary cancer is kidney cancer, the cells will look like kidney cancer cells instead of lung cancer cells, (Bartlett,2001).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There is an uncommon type of lung cancer known as the pleural mesothelioma. It occurs when mesothelioma develops in the pleural. Caused by constant exposure to asbestos, pleura are cells that are often referred to as lubricating cells which make a thin membrane in the host’s chest walls. They are malignant since they take long periods of time before they are discovered or the symptoms start to manifests itself. Pleuralmesothelioma can sometimes spread to the lymph nodes in the chest, above the collarboneor any other part of the body. However it has not been considered to be lethal or serious although in some cases it results to reduced effectiveness or functioning of the lungs. Tests   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There are voluminous tests that are carried out to diagnose any symptoms or characteristic of lung cancer. These tests include molecular testing of the tumour and biopsy which involves direct removal of tissues or cells from a patient and examining it to determine the extent of infection. Other tests are; sputum cytology, focussing on the mucus of the lungs, thoracentesis, bronchospy, bone marrow aspiration, testing of the tumour, mediastinoscopy, imaging tests, thoracotomy, thoracoscopy, computerised tomography scan (CT), which scans using radiographic beams to create detailed computerised pictures, magnetic resonance imaging scan (MRI), position emission tomography scan (PET) and a bone scan. Endoscopy is the process where a flexible plastic tube is inserted into the body cavities and organs so that one can view the area of concerned well.(Barbara,2009). Causes   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Medical analysts and researchers have discovered many factors that they believe are the main causes of cancer according to their research. The most common and well known cause is smoking. Many cases involving lung cancer have been accompanied by symptoms like high levels of carcinogens in the lungs, which is one of the substance contained in cigarettes. It accounts for eighty to ninety percent of the cases. Passive smokers have a greater chance or risk of up to twenty to thirty percent in getting lung cancer. Marijuana also contains the deadly substance, carcinogens that are in tobacco. Smoking that substance contributes greatly in deteriorating functioning of the lungs.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Another cause of lung cancer as far as smoke is concerned, is inhalation of the radon gas. It is a gas generated when radioactive materials are broken down by radium. The gas is a very fatal and very serious since it can be detected easily and it is odourless. An accumulated levels of the gas can actually cause lung cancer. Asbestos is another rare kind of cause of cancer. Long exposition to the rocks that release the asbestos, can cause inflammation and later trigger the enlargement of lung cancer. This was according to the medical researchers who reported that growth of lung cancer can be contributed by long duration to the exposure of these substances in the air.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Families who have a history of lung cancer, that is, most of the members have been diagnosed with cancer, it is more likely that the next generation in the same family some of the members will have the same disease. This is known as genetic predisposition. It is inherited from family members hence it increases the chances of an individual to develop lung cancer when he or she is exposed to the same environmental factors or cultural experiences as other members of the family. Medical researchers have sorted to investigate the arrangement of inheritance of genetic defencelessness by ascertaining the familial combination. They evaluated them by analysing in order to determine if there is a statistical confirmation of the inheritance of the gene causing cancer. Once the gene has been located they pursue it to try and change it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It has been ascertained that different people experience different symptoms of lung cancer depending on the cause of it and the duration that the diseases is in the body.(Karen,2010).In the initial stages of the diseases, the symptoms are not noticeable or probably not alarming. It has been surveyed that about forty percent of the people who are diagnosed with cancer, most of them was realised at an advanced stage.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The most common type symptom experienced by the many diagnosed in the early stages of the disease is persistent coughing.(Barbara,2009). The coughing may persistent to an extent of producing blood. The patient begins to have changes in breathing especially when doing a task that involves use of strength and straining coupled with constant pain in the chest or back. All these pain is caused by the enlargement of the lymph nodes and the lining of lubricating cells along the walls of the lungs.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The patient will start breathing with a whistling sound being produced, a condition known as wheezing. The condition is as a result of the constricting airways in the lungs. It can be accompanied with hoarse voice, losing weight considerably, bronchitis or pneumonia in some cases. The patient will begin to have swellings on the face, fingers and also fatigue. Treatment   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   According to medical researchers and practitioners, treatment of lung cancer highly depends on the extent of the damage of the lungs by the cancer cells, the site of the primary tumour, the stage and the person’s general health.(Mazzini,2010). Before treatment is done to a lung cancer patient, he or she is provided with options on the side effects or discomfort that they are likely to experience in any method of treatment offered. The different types of treatment offered or administered to patients include surgery by removing the tumour and the affected part of the lung. The other type of treatment is radiation therapy where the cancer cells are killed using x-rays with high energy. It can also prevent further growth of the cancer cells. Chemotherapy is the next treatment type, where the patient is given drugs which destroy the cancer cells in every part of the body. References Johns H.P. Williams T.T (1998). Lung Cancer And Its Treatment. Th Gerber publishers Ettinger Y.G. Bartlett (2001). Guide to Cancer Treatment.. Oxford University Publishers Mazzini J.Y and Walter Blue (2010). The Chicago Guide To Lung Cancer. Kaplan Publishers (1999) Karen P.M and Jones Schoiller (2010). Questions And Answers About Cancer. Parles publishers. Barbara M.D Daniel Otiz J.K. (2009) . Lung Cancer. American Cancer Sociation Publishers Source document

Friday, August 30, 2019

The Apprenticeship System – Summary

THE APPRENTICESHIP SYSTEM Aims of apprenticeship * To provide a peaceful transition from slavery to freedom * To guarantee planters an adequate supply of labour during the period and prepare for full freedom * To train apprentices for freedom especially working for wages * To enable the colonial governments to revise the system of justice and establish institutions suitable for a free society. The SMs were retired naval and army officers on half pay, appointed from Britain who were accustomed to rough conditions and enforcing discipline.They were chosen because they were not connected to the planter class and it was felt that they would not be biased. Duties of stipendiary magistrates * To supervise the apprenticeship system * To settle disputes between masters and apprentices * To visit estates at regular intervals and hold court * To inspect jailhouses and workhouses * To assist in fixing the value of negroes who wanted to buy their freedom These duties were strenuous and led to th e death of many SMs who were not accustomed to tropical conditions and could not afford the high cost of medical treatment.Conditions of employment Salary – ? 300 for the first year then increased to ? 450 for travel expenses and housing. There was no pension for dependents if the SM died in service. There was no sick leave and he had to pay his own fare back home if he was dismissed or out of service. These bad working conditions prevented SMs from performing their duties satisfactorily and many were easily bribed by planters. They were also overburdened by work because they were so few in numbers. Those who tried to do their duties were sometimes persecuted.They were abused physically, verbally and via the press. They were all obstructed in the performance of their duties as planters sometimes refused to allow them on the estates. Success of stipendiary magistrates * They listened to complaints from both sides and acted as a buffer between masters and apprentices. * They in formed apprentices of their rights, they did not have to listen to gossip or obtain information from newspapers. * They helped apprentices to organise their lives better by giving advice.However, they had very little to formulate schemes to improve the social conditions of the apprentices. They were unable to prevent apprentices from being punished harshly. Punishments Apprentices were usually sent to the workhouse, however SMs had no control over what happened there. The most common form of punishment in the workhouse was the treadmill. There was also the whipping post and apprentices could be put in penal gangs. Females often had their heads shaved. Time lost in the workhouse had to be repaid by the apprentice by working for his master during his free time.Controlling apprentices on the estates * It was illegal for apprentices to leave the estate without written permission. * Valuations on able-bodied slaves were often inflated. * High fees were charged for the use of the markets and for licences to work off the estates as carpenters, blacksmiths and so on. These licences and tickets to sell in the markets could be withdrawn. * Planters refused to give customary allowances. * Planters found faults with apprentices' work, which had to be done over in the apprentices' free time. Apprentices were locked up on false charges which would often be dropped before the arrival of the SM. * Apprentices' fruit trees would be cut down and they were forbidden to own livestock. * The 401/2 hours per week were spread over five days instead of four. *Low wages would be paid; unfair deductions from wages would be made; and the wages were generally paid late. The End of Apprenticeship Apprenticeship ended for ALL apprentices in 1838 because: * The system was not achieving its aims. * The antislavery society exposed the abuses in the system and began to campaign for full freedom. The planters feared violence if domestic apprentices were freed before field apprentices. * Some pl anters felt that it was cheaper not to have to provide for apprentices and only to employ the number of labourers they needed. Note: Antigua granted full freedom to its slaves. The planters decided against apprenticeship. The apprenticeship system came to an end in 1838 when the colonial governments in each colony voted against its continuation. http://www. youthlinkjamaica. com/cxc/history20100302. htm

Thursday, August 29, 2019

“Hiroshima” by John Hersey Essay

The human mind cannot comprehend the split-second deaths of 100 000 people when the atomic bomb hit the people of Japan in August, 1945. However this event, which has changed the world forever, can be relived through the lives of six survivors in John Hersey’s Hiroshima. Expository texts such as the aforementioned often present powerful social issues which challenge not only the reader from the contemporary Western culture but also the reader from the 1946 American society. Hersey employs various techniques, including point of view, tone, emotive and descriptive language to position readers to respond to changing priorities, Japan’s reaction to the crisis and moral and ethical issues. Up until Hersey’s account of the Hiroshima bombing, texts that were presented to readers were fabricated propaganda and contained the preconception that dropping the bomb was not ethically wrong. This influenced readers in that context to feel as if the Americans had taken the right action to end the war. However, Hersey writes Hiroshima in the point-of-view of six †hibakusha’s†, focussing entirely on their stories of endurance and hope throughout the atomic blast. As he writes in such a journalistic style and detaches any feelings or opinions he may have about the event, he forces readers to draw their own conclusions from the facts and question the morality of the Americans and their president. Quoted from Rhodes, the making of the Atomic Bomb from a scientist who took part in assembling the bomb, â€Å"†¦I still remember the feeling of unease, even nausea, when I saw many of my friends rushing to celebrate. Of course we were exalted by the success o f our work, but it seemed rather ghoulish to celebrate the sudden death of a hundred thousand people, even if they were â€Å"enemies†Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ. Hersey portrays the six characters not as enemies, but as normal people, with real values and attitudes which elicits resentment towards the Americans and encourages readers to sympathise with the Japanese characters. To reconstruct the effect of the blast and its dismal consequences on Japan’s population, Hersey selects a variety of characters such as a widow, a priest and a surgeon to resemble the microcosm of Japanese society. Not once does Hersey question or agree with the decision to drop the bomb nor does he sympathise with the Japanese victims but by emphasising the survival instead of the suffering he prevents his book from becoming anti-American, therefore  broadening his target audience. The only way â€Å"Hiroshima† would be read by the â€Å"New York Time’s† loyal readers was for Hersey to write in this unemotional tone, for example â€Å"†¦they had not had the strength to move; they must have drowned.† This is a style which is se en today as a clever way to escape extreme controversy. Of course it is inhumane to kill thousands of innocent people without warning and â€Å"The eyebrows of some were burned off and skin hung from their faces and hands. Often, because of pain, they held their hands up as if carrying something in both hands.† The descriptive language throughout the novel proves the abovementioned point to the reader. Still, you have to consider the context before making judgement on the decision to drop the bomb. Truman may have been concerned for his countries welfare but there were many other alternatives. Surely readers can see that now, but Hersey’s use of language techniques in his recount of Hiroshima was taking the American readers one step closer to realising the truth; that Truman’s resolution to drop the bomb â€Å"†¦in order to shorten the agony of war [and] in order to save the lives of thousands of young Americans† [Public Papers of the President, Truman, 1945] not only ended the war but inflicted suffering and death to thousands of innocent people. Very few of Hersey’s characters have close family ties, further emphasising the way Japan comes together as a community in the time of this crisis. Unscathed are aiding the wounded on the riverbank, providing water, food, and comfort as though they were family. Readers are positioned to accept the character’s attempts to help the people that are only strangers to them. However even though these six characters help one another to try to rebuild their lives, each suffers on their own. â€Å"The hurt ones were quiet, no one wept, much less screamed in pain, no one complained†¦not even the children cried.† After the explosion the lack of dialogue creates an eerie, almost silent atmosphere to portray the peaceful and humble characteristics of the Japanese people. The characters have an admirable patience and endurance shown in the face of adversity. When father Kleinsorge offers water to the wounded, â€Å"almost blotted out by flash burns, they [take] their share and bowed to him in thanks.† No one shouts out in rage or promises revenge towards their opposing country. The techniques Hersey has employed in this text positions the reader to accept the Japanese culture and realise that  even though thousands of lives were lost, the attack on Hiroshima brought the community together and shaped it into the country it is today. On the morning of the attack, the citizens of Japan were living like ordinary people, with priorities and values which would be similar to those we have in our contemporary Western society. However they were completely unaware that their priorities would change dramatically when the bomb was dropped, destroying their lives and tearing apart their families. The detail selected encourages readers to experience the severe shock that is instilled into the characters as they come to terms with their new situation. â€Å"Things don’t matter anymore. Yesterday my shoes were my most important possessions. Today I don’t care. One pair is enough.† This symbolises the preciousness of life and the insignificance of material possessions. The suffering of thousands of people and their wounds and burns are described repeatedly and the injured and dying are so numerous that the doctors no longer help the badly injured because they are not going to survive. Dr Sasaki is faced with the decision to leave the severely wounded and readers are positioned to sympathise for him as making this decision in the devastating circumstances would be almost impossible. He feels that they will â€Å"die feeling cheated† if he tells the victims he will return to help, only leaving them to die. Combined with the point of view of each character, readers are encouraged to respond to the bombing with feelings of anger and empathy towards the six survivors and the way it has affected their priorities and their future. Hersey’s bleak yet graphic account of the Hiroshima bombing is a novel which can be read for generations and still capture the horror of war and the endurance of the Japanese people. Hiroshima encourages readers of today’s western society as well as the readers in 1946 to respond to the text with feelings of sympathy, anger and remorse. Hersey employs techniques such as selection of detail, language, tone and point of view to encourage readers to be challenged by the powerful social values; changing priorities, Japan’s reaction to the crisis and moral and ethical issues which are embedded in the text. Overall Hersey exposes the true side of war to the readers; the side which is not glorified but elicits extreme loss of life and untold suffering.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Canadian Identity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Canadian Identity - Essay Example The immigration of people from all over the world and their adoption of an essentially Canadian way of life have led to a situation where the people of this country have been united. This union has come about mainly because the increasing number of immigrants has been able to counter the some of the negative effects brought about by the British- and French-speaking populations. Immigrant communities have been able to bring about diversity in the political, social and economic life of Canada. These individuals have, in addition, been able to adapt to life in Canada so effectively that they have become a basic part of life in the country. They have further been able to promote a strong Canadian identity, especially in the second and third generations after the original immigrants, that they have not only transcended the political and social conflicts previously experienced, but have also been instrumental in the creation of a strong Canadian identity that has allowed the nation to cont inue thriving. In conclusion, the discussion above has attempted to show that Canadian identity has come about as a result of its multicultural nature, the identification of a common destiny by its people, and immigration which has become a basic part of the country’s policies. Among the most significant aspects of these has been its multiculturalism which has allowed for the creation of a diverse nation. Through the development of a strong national identity, these cultures have been brought together in such a way that they have fostered unity.

Focus on a review of aphasia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Focus on a review of aphasia - Essay Example This paper will focus on a review of aphasia, which can be more explicitly defined as the loss or impairment of the ability to use or comprehend words due to brain damage (Banich, 2004; Carroll, 2004). Some of those who experience aphasia are predominantly affected in the expressive language (what is said) whilst others are predominantly affected in their receptive language (what is understood), other people who experience aphasia have both expressive and receptive language dysfunction. In general, language disability occurs in the form of talking and understanding and also in reading and writing. The extent of the dysfunction and the nature of the problems a person will experience are dependant on numerous psychosocial and environmental factors, as well as the amount and location of damage in the brain. Obviously this presents numerous communication difficulties for those who experience aphasia, and subsequently affects their ability to fully contribute and integrate with the wider community. Firstly, a review of aphasia aetiology will be given. Secondly, the incidence of the language impairment will be presented. Finally, patterns of the deficit will be highlighted, followed by aphasias theoretical significance and prognosis with respect to intervention. Aphasia is a specific language impairment that results from brain damage at the language centers (Brocas or Wernicks areas for example) (Harley, 2001). For most right-handers and about half the population of left-handers, when damage occurs to the left side of the brain aphasia can occur.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Communication Method Preferred By Workers Statistics Project

Communication Method Preferred By Workers - Statistics Project Example The results saw more company employees suggest to side with formal communication. Basing on the sample used, the results were as follows. Eighteen of the employees suggested that the best communication method for them would be the formal communication method, only eight members believed that informal methods like grapevine could aid in communication in the company while only four employees remained neutral with no particular side to support. According to the graph, the results remain in support of the employee communication as a means of people to create a force that works together and more bound. According to the graph, many of the employees rather supported the use of formal means of communication rating it than using the informal means. The neutral part remained accounted for but only four voted believing that they had no particular side of communication. These results indicated that the use of formal communication means could help hasten up the operations of the company despite the different disadvantages of the two. The informal means include the use of grape vine, which may also cause difficulties in interactions. The informal means provides the unofficial way of propelling information (DuBrin,

Monday, August 26, 2019

Target market of wine coolesrs in argentina Essay

Target market of wine coolesrs in argentina - Essay Example They are the teenagers who like to drink such wine coolers so that they can look cool, trendy and hip. It is essentially a style statement that they like to carry with them so that they can be taken as lively and attractive at all times. The focus for the wine cooler business should therefore rest on individuals who like to move ahead with life on the go. They are exploring new things, finding novel pathways and understanding the intricacies related with style and comfort. Within Argentina, the target market would include both male and female drinkers since they are within the teenager category. They like to drink such wine coolers so that they can be considered ‘in’ and trendy more than any other opinion that can be made out of them. The target market therefore is very essential to estimate before the business can be opened up and the people are offered the wine coolers for their purchase. If the primary target market is analyzed and locked upon properly within Argentina, it is always easier to know what the secondary and tertiary target markets would be for the sake of the wine cooler business. Since the wine coolers do not fall essentially under the category of the wine itself, they can be drunk by individuals who are not into hard drinks. This is the reason why people who are not into drinking can be taken as the right target market, and hence all out efforts could be made to sell the wine cooler products towards them (Author Unknown, 2011). The business would then be narrowed down in terms of finding and then sending the wine coolers to the exact target audiences. There would be minimal wastage which is any business’ dream in this day and age. In the past as well, wine coolers have been made at home so the element of starting a new business could be seen as something that can take place at a very low level. The important thing is to know the exact target market so that the wine

Sunday, August 25, 2019


BORDER SECURITY ISSUES RESEARCH PROJECT # 4 - Essay Example Te terrorists view this as the only easiest route to gaining easy entry into the United States for their terrorist missions. There are four main reasons for the immigration of terrorist groups into Mexico. One key reason of relocation of terrorist groups’ members to Mexico is because of the inability of the security authorities in Mexico to secure some parts of the country and its borders. Another key reason for settlement of terrorist groups in Mexico is because of the country’s proximity to the United States. Thus, it is easy for the terrorist groups to send their members on terrorist missions in the United States. The existence of drugs and weapons smuggling cartels along the Amexica border is another reason for settlement of terrorist groups in Mexico (White, 2013). This is because terrorist groups can use these cartels to smuggle deadly weapons in the United States. Lastly, the porous border of the United States and Mexico has attracted terrorist organizations to Mexico as this gives them the opportunity to sneak in and out of the United States and research on their targets. America had to establish a department for homeland security after the attacks that took place in 2011. It was one of the best ways that the government wanted to protect the citizens from attacks by terror groups. From the past political scenes on news, it is evident that the homeland department has worked with many other countries such as Mexico. As a result, most security agencies in Mexico are now vigilant when it comes to preventing terrorist activities. They conduct frequent border patrols on either sides of the border to arrest unlawful immigrants. The United States also uses drones to monitor the Amexica porous border. Mexican authorities have countered interaction between terrorists and smuggling cartels by arresting leaders of the

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Need for Well-Defined Career Goals and Career Assessment Plans Personal Statement

Need for Well-Defined Career Goals and Career Assessment Plans - Personal Statement Example The present paper has identified that reflective practice facilitates assessment of career plans so as to achieve long term and short term goals of professional excellence. My long term goal is to become a highly successful cardiologist. Hence, I have set myself short term goals have been set for 3-5 years where I would be using my business management degree to earn money for my medical studies that would help me to become a cardiologist. I have been a conscientious worker and have gained considerable experience in managerial and administrative work while managing deans’ office. For five years, I have been in charge of 9 deans that involved considerable planning and administrative skills. It has also given me the impetus to improve my managerial skills by studying for my graduation in general business major in management. The course has greatly facilitated in giving me a more practical aspect of management skills that are needed to improve and improvise work paradigms for opti mal results. I have now put my experience and knowledge to my family business. This way, I would be able to earn higher wages which I can save for my medical degree. At the same time, I would also help to take the business to a higher level of success. Career assessment plans help to acquire skills and necessary knowledge for professional growth. They facilitate in the development of a wider perspective towards the issues which helps to apply the informed choices to meet the challenges of the career goals. Our family business is to provide security guards for events, offices etc. I have made extensive plans to widen the interests of our business and use more sophisticated state of the art technologies to enhance security within the campuses and homes. The expansion of business goals has tremendously impacted the scope of business across the wider region and customers resulting in significantly higher financial outcomes.  The financial results of our family business have inculcated great confidence in myself and in my abilities to go to the next stage of my career management plan. My savings and bonus earned can now be used for meeting the expenses of my medical study. I would be applying to NYU University of medical science for my medical study in the field of cardiology. Being a cardiologist has been my cherished dreams that can now be realized. I now intend to study hard for my long term goal. In the current time, stress and competitive working conditions significantly impact health and well being of people at large. The heart-related problems have especially escalated in recent times. My family has seen many casualties to heart diseases. My grandfather had always been a role model for me and he had been a strong pillar of support for me and my family during the hard times. When he died of sudden heart attack, it made me determined to become a cardiologist. I believe that having a cardiologist within a family would not help them to become more aware of the reasons that lead to heart diseases but it would also help them in times of emergency and save a life. I would like to become a highly successful cardiologist so I can save lots of lives and give happiness to people at large. I am a very sensitive person and have strong empathy towards people who are ill and infirm. I am also technology savvy which would be a great asset in my medical field, where state of art technology-based instruments, are used to diagnose the cause of diseases.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Struggle and Survival in Colonial America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Struggle and Survival in Colonial America - Essay Example The harsh natural environment in which the native American Indians had lived upon at that time required them to band together for their ultimate survival. This communal basis of society in the native Americans had remained, while the settlers disintegrated. Their concept of a community hinged on common ownership of their lands and common membership in the sacred natural order (Sweet & Nash 18). On the other hand, the European concepts of private property (or termed as a private enterprise) and the individual exploitation of nature for one's own profits, did not allow for the collective modes of behavior observed in native American Indians. The settlers forced the natives to adapt to this lifestyle and forgo community living. The arrival of the first white settlers at the tidewaters of Virginia had divided a tribe of Indians termed collectively as Powhatans. The tribe at Virginia at that time were known as the Algonquian Indians the most famous of which is Pocahontas who had been immortalized in history and literature. Her tribe welcomed the new arrivals, as exemplified by her father but this generosity ushered the decline of their tribe, eventually. It weakened the formerly strong and politically stable Indian settlements of the Powhatan tribes such that they were displaced and marginalized to the point of near extinction (Fausz 21). Some natives tried to resist the Europeans but were soon defeated by the superiority of the white settlers weaponry. The Algonquians were not unanimous in their acceptance into their midst the new settlers like what Opechancanough did.     

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Short story Essay Example for Free

Short story Essay The speckled band is a 19th century short story, I know this from the type of transport there is, they have steam trains and dog carts. There are also no lights only lamps that have to be lit with matches. You can see that this story is 19th century, as there is no use of electricity. And lack of modern forensic skills, you can tell this from when the take a long time to try and find out who the killer was, this would be made a lot quicker if they had these modern day skills. The bell rope is old fashioned as they are not around now days. There clothes are definitely Victorian, as in the story Dr Roylotts costume was a peculiar mixture of the professional and agricultural. He was wearing a black top hat, a long frock coat and a pair of high gaiters. He had a hunting crop swinging in his hand. This outfit is very old fashioned as people do not wear this type of clothing anymore. The language is 19th century as well for example said he instead of he said. The language is very formal and uses very old vocabulary like metropolis, encompass. The story uses long complex sentences and lots of adjectives to describe the house Stoke Moran. The speckled band is a murder mystery story; there are many things that you can tell this from. It is set in Stoke Moran The building was of grey, lynched blotched stone, with a high central portion and two curving wings the windows were broken and blocked with wooden boards while the roof was partly caved in, a picture of a ruin from this description it doesnt show any sign of colour and would be a typical murder setting. The fact that the story is using Sherlock Holmes it makes it a mystery, as he is a detective. You dont know whom the killer is this also shows that it is a mystery.  There is tension in the speckled band  Ã‚  My god I whispered, did you see it? Holmes was for the moment as startled as I, his hand closed like a vice upon my wrist in his agitation. Then he broke into a low laugh and put his lips to my ear this shows tension as Dr Watson doesnt know what he is suppose to be seeing. It is a nice household he murmured that is the baboon  This tells us that they were scared and didnt know what the baboon was this makes the story more tense. There is also more tension when Holmes had brought up a long thin cane, and this he placed upon the bed beside him. By it he laid the box of matches and the stump of a candle. Then he turned down the lamp and we were left in darkness  This made the story tense as Dr Watson didnt know what was going to happen in the dark. Shall I forget that dreadful vigil? I could hear no sound not even the drawing of a breath and yet I knew that my companion sat opened eyed, within a few feet of me in the state of nervous tension  This shows that Dr Watson was nervous.  There is more tension when Sherlock Holmes saw something  you see it Watson he yelled you see it  Dr watson didnt see anything apart from Sherlocks face deadly pale and filled with horror.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

A point in life Essay Example for Free

A point in life Essay I have come to a point in life that many people have not. I have made a firm decision to recommit myself to pursuing my dreams. While there are those who believe that with an ounce of luck and a ton of persistence anything can be accomplished, I believe that there is no reason to expend so much energy and rely on luck. I believe in taking hold of my destiny and carving out a future for myself based on the decisions that I make in life. Life is simply too short and too precious to be left to luck alone. This is why I have chosen to apply for the (Insert name of course) at the (insert name of university). As the world continues to change and the workplace becomes more and more challenging and competitive, it becomes imperative for anyone looking for a successful career to not only have the drive to succeed but also the training and expertise to do so. I am not saying that I do not have the training and expertise at the moment but I do believe that there is still room for more. The rich and diverse academic community at Haas will definitely be the perfect place for me to learn and be prepared for the challenges that lie ahead. Having completed my (insert degree here) in (insert date) from (insert name of university here), there have been so many opportunities in life that I have not been able to take advantage of because of the competitiveness of the working environment. I believe that this experience and background of mine will help me pursue this dream. Being a (insert career) is only the beginning of a long journey for me. I realize that it will not be easy and I look forward to that challenge. In the short term, I see myself completing this degree and fulfilling the requirements for this course. I believe that this experience will be sufficient to prepare me for the next step which is applying for a good internship position that will give me the training that I need. I eventually plan to pursue larger goals such as taking a doctoral degree and perhaps starting my own business. The world is fast becoming a borderless place. Cultures, races, beliefs and ideologies are blend together and interact because of the growing advances in communications. In order to succeed in this world, one needs to be able to adapt to the various cultural differences as well as be able to maintain a certain sense of individual identity. This is the advantage that I feel I can get at this fine academic institution; the training to be competitive in the global economy and at the same time the flexibility to be able to deal with the different cultures in the diverse business world. That is why I believe that this course is a crucial step for me. My success and my accomplishments here will herald the beginning of the fulfillment of my personal and professional goals. It is said that the one thing that nobody can ever take away from you is your education and that is the one thing that I plan to not only gain for myself but for others as well. My most important character strength, in my opinion, is my ability to adapt, accept and learn. My business acumen and knowledge is due to the fact that both my parents are business oriented and running businesses of their own. This provided me with a closer view of what I need to accomplish at an academic level before venturing into a business of my own, particularly in this highly competitive field. My personality, in my humble opinion, is best suited for this kind of endeavor (business) because of my ability to multi-task. During my past work experiences, I have often come across as witty and amiable. Yet, I am no push over when it comes to working in a corporate or business environment. I firmly believe that I can succeed in anything that I want to as long as I work hard at it. I get things done. The job gets done faster and more efficiently as and when the objectives are clear, the strategies acceptable, and the resources are available. Of course, in the real world, these do not always happen. To the extent that they happen and to the extent that I can make them happen, I go after them and manage to get the job done. While I personally believe that â€Å"there is no such thing as a free lunch† and that everything a person has in life must come from hard work and perseverance, I also believe in charity. I believe in helping others who do not have much in life. I believe in helping people regardless of their nation, race or creed. I believe in being a better person so I can best help myself and others around me. I believe that (Insert Name of University) is the best place for me to turn these beliefs into realities.

Media Ecology And The Matrix Film Studies Essay

Media Ecology And The Matrix Film Studies Essay This report is based on Matrix movie. The Matrix movie is a science fiction-action film which was released in America on March 31, 1999.This film written and directed by Larry and Andy is the first part of Matrix series, not even movie also the part of comic book, video games and animation. The meaning of matrix is a rectangular array of matrix. In this movie its shows there is two different lives, one is computer generated world dream world and another is real, but all human living in dream word which is programed and none of them know. In this movie Neo is a hero and he is a computer programmer and he drawn into a rebellion against the machines. But first he wanted to know what is matrix. Morpheus is main character of this movie and he spends much time on matrix to find, and he also help other to find it. He is the caption of their team in their spaceship which they called Nebuchadnezzar. They always go to dream world and come back with hacked telephone line; it is only the safe exit from the matrix. In other side in dream world a group of Agent which is known as swat team. They want to kill the entire human, so they want to catch the Morpheus. Because he is the only person who knows all the matrix code to go back to their ship throw phone. When they catch the Morpheus then Neo come and save him from him. Discussion There are few issue and theories which are applied on them are following. Media Ecology :- The effect of media on human being throw the perception feeling, understanding etc. and its change our thinking feeling and behaving system. Main source of media are TV, film, radio, mobile, books. Issues raised in the movies are:- Movie seen : In this movie when Agent behind the Trinity to kill, then she ask for help from tank by her cell phone then Tank call on a local STD, when she picked up the phone then she reached at their real world from dream world (Programmed world) in form of matrix. Answer: -Matrix movie is fully based on media ecology. In this movie telephone is used as in the form of media ecology. They used it to communicate and to move from move real to virtual or virtual to real word. Telephone decreased the way difference between both lives and makes it a global village. Virtual word is the hot media in this movie because it programed world and caring huge amount of data and telephone is cold media. In this movie they are using number computer screens to read the matrix. Script from movie: -as example The ship is quiet and dark. Everyone is asleep IN MAIN DECK The core glows with monitor light. Cypher is in the Operators chair as Neo cones up behind him. CYPHER Whoa! Shit, Neo, you scared me. NEO Sorry. CYPHER Midnight watches. Neos eyes light up as he steps closer to the screens That seems alive with a constant flow of data. NEO It is The Matrix? CYPHER is The Matrix. Answer: -In this script you can read that neo talking about computer screens to read the information, computer show some data to which have their own value which is called matrix. Computer becomes a medium for cypher in this example and data become its information and in other words these tools make more extension for them. Cognitive dissonance :- The uncomfortable feeling which is caused by double minded situation, and hard to decided which the person already done is good or not. When Neo become a part of their team they he start meeting to team members. When he meets the cypher, then cypher say: Cypher: I know you thinking same but I am thinking. Neo: what I am thinking? Cypher: why I not choose the blue pill, I want to go back in dream world and I am tired from this life ruled fully life. But Morpheus say it our real word. Answer: This theory is easily applied on Cypher, because first he decided to come in this world but now he wants to go back in virtual (programmed) world. He is double minded and feeling uncomfortable. In this line you can easy understand his feeling, action, behaviour and beliefs are out of harmony and other cause of this is his belief or exception is more than what he got, which is the main reason he feeling uncomfortable and thinking he choose wrong decision and choose red pill. Social penetration theory: It is also known as onion theory, it means it is referred in terms of breath and depth and every layer is show the human behaviour according to its breadth and depth. For example, how we are close to a person, its decrease the layer of personal information of that person for us. Answer: This theory is applied on the relationship of Neo and trinity. First Trinity and Neo was not known to each other closely, it is same like a Onion based example , when she start known about Neo and start come closer, then the interpersonal layers in start decreasing for Trinity and then she feel that he is the one and fall in love with Neo. Here is the script of movie which shows feeling of trinity about Neo. TRINITY Neo, I have to tell you something. I dont know what it means or even If it matters but I feel I have to say it. Ive never told anyone this before. I think Ive been afraid to. When I went to the Oracle, she told me she told me that I would meet A man. And that I would fall in Love Social identity: At the end part of movie when there is a fighting between Neo and agents. Agents catch the neo and kill him by gun but after some time Neo open his eyes and stand up and start fighting again and when again Agents try to shoot him then Neo stop all the bullets in air. Answer: In this part of movie when he was killed, at that movement he was fighting like a normal human and was not who he is. But when he starts thinking about the difference between real human and programmed created world and start compare agents and him. He finds his social identity. His social identity is he is the one in movie who can control his mind the see the difference between real and programed world. Conclusion This movie is a science based fiction-Action movie and media ecology is big part of this movie. Telephone and computer screen are both are the medium of source of information. They contact to each other through the cell phone and they travel on both worlds with telephone exception and all the information they got like position, way to go out from building are they got from computer screen in the form of matrix. So these are the tool of they use which are based on media ecology. Cypher is a character of this movie who feel uncomfortable because he want to go back in virtual world and thinking he choose wrong option so Cognitive dissonance theory is full applied on Cypher. According to social penetration theory human are like the onion, they have layers one after one as breadth and depth. It is same like how much you know a person, layer are start decreases and person start to come close to you same like the character of movie Trinity and Neo. Social identity is also applied on Neo in this movie because he finds his own personality, who he is and he got the difference between his and agents. Referencing Griffin, E. (2006). A first look at communication theory (6th ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

A Virtual Training Environment Essay -- Gaming

Technology has become a huge part of the way we live. As the years move on, we are becoming more technologically advanced, and part of that progression is due to the fact that we are using avenues that we would have overlooked 20 years ago. One of these avenues is the use of video games in nonconventional ways, like supplementing a real class room for a virtual one, to help ease some of the social anxiety of those with Aspersers and Autism, and to assist in the training our troops, utilizing a safe and cost effective environment. Unfortunately, these methods have been questioned, by those weary of the dominant presence technology has taken in this new generation of youth; however, all of these pathways are helping solve a real problem with aid of virtual environments. One innovative way virtual environments have been implemented is the use of video games to aid in making learning and teaching situations more comfortable. This new style of education is made possible with the use of virtual classrooms in the massive multiplayer online game, MMO, Second Life (SL). Through the use of this fully virtual world, we are now able to teach tangible skills to others. In â€Å"Using Second Life to enhance classroom management practice in teacher education†, Jennifer Mahon et al. explored this theory. They established that, â€Å"Overall, the results of this study suggest that using SL for a simulation of classroom management is promising (130)†. Because is it always easier to learn in an atmosphere where one feels relaxed and comfortable, this use of Second Life shows great potential. By using online games this way it is allowing not only new teachers, but veteran teachers as well to gain or brush up on skills they need as educators interacting with... will prosper. Works Cited Bauerlein, Mark. The Dumbest Generation: how the digital age stupefies young Americans and jeopardizes our future (or, don’t trust anyone under 30). New York: Penguin Group Orvis, A Karin, et all. â€Å"An Examination of the Role Individual Differences Play in Videogame- Based Training.† Military Psychology 21.4 (2009): 461-467. Academic Search Complete. Web. 15 Apr. 2012. Mahon, Jennifer, et al. â€Å"Using Second Life to enhance classroom management practice in teacher education.† Educational Media International 47.2 (2010): 121-132. Academic Search Complete. Web. 16 APR. 2012. Mitchell, Peter, et al. â€Å"Using Virtual Environments for Teaching Social Understanding to 6 Adolescents with Autistic Spectrum Disorders.† Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders 37.3 (2007): 589-599. Academic Search Complete. Web. 16 APR. 2012.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Oneness in Walden, Nature and American Scholar Essay -- Thoreau Walden

Oneness in Walden, Nature and American Scholar  Ã‚   Some of the most prominent works which express a relationship between the individual and nature are undoubtedly Walden by Henry David Thoreau and the essays written by Ralph Waldo Emerson, specifically Nature and The American Scholar. In each of these works, an idea of wholeness, "oneness," with nature is expressed. Thoreau and Emerson both believe that man, in order to live a full, happy life, must live in harmony with nature. Both writers share several ideas as to how this oneness with nature can be achieved, and its significance. Emerson, in his Scholar address, states that nature is the most important influence on man and his thinking. Because in nature there is no beginning and no end, it is circular, or whole. In this, nature is like God, and like man's spirit, because there is no beginning or end to it, just a circular movement that creates a whole. We also see this idea of a whole in man. Emerson describes men as not many singular entities, but as parts of One Man. God created man as a whole, but with diverse aspects and abilities so that he may better function. As God created man as a whole, so he created nature as whole, and man as one with nature so that he may function better spiritually. In Walden, we are given Thoreau's perspective of One Man and nature. Thoreau believes he can better understand society as a whole by living outside of it, by living in the simplicity offered by nature. Thoreau and Emerson both believe that to transcend and achieve this oneness with nature, man must educate himself mentally and spiritually. While both writers recognize the importance of books and reading as a precursor to spiritual growth, they also both feel that one ca... ...nscendentalists, through their theoretical essays and literature, made a strong case for man to recognize the importance of nature in his life. Emerson felt that men who did not achieve this oneness with nature could not experience God or the Divine, and thus their lives were not fulfilling or spiritually whole. In Walden, Thoreau's main purpose is to celebrate life and to help men recognize the potential fullness and elation of life by making them aware of their own ability for spiritual growth. In order to achieve spiritual growth, or transcend, Thoreau feels that one must first evaluate his life and be willing to change it. Other artists of this time echoed Thoreau and Emerson's sentiments in their own creativity, their own journey to spiritual fulfillment, which only strengthened the premise that man and nature were one and that man without nature was not whole.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Shakesperean Clothing Essay -- essays research papers

Have you ever looked at a picture of your parents when they were your age? Or maybe your grandparents from way back when? Well, judging by how much we laugh at their goofy clothes and ridiculous shoes, not to mention the hilarious hairstyles, styles have changed a lot. We?ve gone from high waists to low waists, baggy shirts to shirts that could fit your little sister, from bellbottoms to skin-tight jeans, and from voluminous hair to straight and silky locks. Yes, style can change a lot in a few decades and if you think that's a lot of change, try going back a few centuries, to the times of Shakespeare! Back then, the women wore a lot more clothes than we do, that?s for sure! The style included a chemise, stockings (hose), a corset or bodice, a hooped skirt called a Farthingale, a roll (rowle), a stomacher, a petticoat (or a few), a kirtle, and a forepart as underclothes. For over-clothes, they wore a gown, separate sleeves, a ruff, a cloak, shoes, and a hat. I never wear that many layers. Can you imagine how warm it would be in those clothes all day in the middle of July? As f...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Marketing Plan Bo’s Coffee

INTRODUCTION Perhaps one of the most commonly traded commodities, one of the most closely monitored and understandably one of the products revered with much affection. Coffee has been an integral part of the Filipino’s life. Coffee, along with sugar and rice, is probably found in every household in the Philippines regardless of socio-economic status. Coffee has been made synonymous with morning rituals, afternoon breaks and hospitality, it would never do to run out of the deep brown brew especially when company was around. Very recently, another image of coffee was introduced into the minds of Filipinos. Coffee as a social symbol. This trend was induced by the proliferation of coffee shops where people can buy coffee and consume it in an atmosphere optimized for its ultimate enjoyment. These coffee shops have become the new temples and common houses for the public, mixing the strong brew with a hodge-podge of different sensory experiences and good vibes. This paper concentrates on the conduct of one such coffee shop. One that was the first of its kind in the South, providing for the citizens of Cebu a coffee experience akin to that abroad. Coffee Centrale, The Bean Co. Inc. , more commonly known as â€Å"Bo’s Coffee Club,† has recently set its sights on the NCR market after a successful seven-year run in the Visayas-Mindanao region. The Paper seeks to provide a bold and aggressive Marketing Plan to help the company spread its wings and assert itself as a significant player in an industry dominated by foreign franchises. The Paper is based on a Usage, Attitude and Image study to better understand what exactly people find appealing in their choice of coffee shops. It is complemented by research that is ensured accurate and up-to-date to glean valuable insight into the lives and perspectives of the target market. The researchers advise strategies shown in this Paper based on current research and careful analysis. Detailed action plans will then be presented, outlining how each of these operational strategies can be fulfilled with the greatest positive financial and competitive benefit to the subject firm.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Abortion favoring Pro Choice Essay

Abortion is one of the most controversial and hot issues debated, and is an issue that  will never be agreed upon, just going round and round in circles. By bringing morals, which are derived from personal conscience, into the question of whether the government should abortions, this matter has been promoted to a higher level of argument. It is no longer viewed as a decision made from choice but as a question of principals, and these concepts have led to a full-blown argument concerning matters that really should not be questioned. Every woman in the world should have the right to decide how to carry their beings. No government should feel that they have the right to dictate to a person what road their lives should take. Those claiming â€Å"pro-life† are really no more than â€Å"anti-choice†. These pro-lifers crave to put the future of women into the hands of the government. Abortion, and any medical decisions women make, are very private and should never be available for debate. The question of morality can’t be a valid argument concerning abortion, because it is not of morality but of option and constitutionality. See more: Satirical essay about drugs â€Å"The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people,† is stated in the ninth amendment. Right here, guarantees all women the right to abort a pregnancy. Pro-choice people plea that abortion is the murder of a child, but most do not consider the fetus a child. A common assumption is that people who are pro-choice are actually pro-abortion. Many people that support women’s rights could be personally against abortions. That does not mean that they allow the government to pass laws directing what women do with their bodies. Those who are pro-choice simply believe that it is the right of a woman to assess her situation and decide if a baby will benefit or be devastating to her live. People that are opposed to abortion don’t take a many things into consideration. For one, consider how the life of a teenager may be ruined if an abortion is not available. Another thing not assessed is the severe  family trauma that will result if a baby is forced, by law to be born. Those opposing abortion are unwavering with their ideas and believe that they have a solution to every situation. Pregnant? Try adoption! They will help you support the baby. What ever the women’s situation may be, the conservative will not bend. Many suggest adoption as a practical alternative to abortion. But, in reality, this is not a decent substitute. The majority of middle class white couples that are willing to adopt do not want to adopt the mixed race babies (which are the majority put up for adoption). Why else would there be a waiting list for couples to be held in for a few years when there are so many other kinds of babies out there? Would those to claim to have a heart and save a life like these unwanted children grow up as wards of the state, living a life of distress and misfortune? To all of those fighting for laws that will make abortion against the law: do you really think that the law will stop a woman from carrying out with the abort of an unwelcome pregnancy? Drugs are illegal and there plenty of people out there still using. The only thing a law against abortions will achieve will be forcing pregnant women to seek medical attention in unsafe situations, leaving them with not only in the termination of the pregnancy, but perhaps their own lives as well. For a prime example when abortion was prohibited in the 1940’s, there were still cases of women seeking help elsewhere. The only alteration though, is that these women typically ended up dead because of hemorrhaging or infection. Bottom line, if a woman wants an abortion, illegal or legal, nothing will get in her way. Why would pro life people, who allegedly put so much significance in life, want to jeopardize the live of another person? Don’t get me wrong, if legal abortion is banned, some abortions may be prevented. A woman may not be able to fund an alley-way, black market abortion and would have to deliver. This will be quite unfortunate. Naturally, Mother would be depressed, and in all actuality not deliver the proper care, may drink, do drugs, or any other thing she could do to harm the life of the baby and herself. Post delivery, the mother could very well resent the baby, realizing that it has trashed her chance of ever carrying out her objectives in life. If these women mandated into maternity do happen to keep their child, there is a significant chance of child abuse and neglect. These surplus kids, raised by the state or disregarding parents, would then  give birth to yet the next generation of unwanted children. Moreover, in some desperate and impulsive situations, new mothers may become inconsolable, having the idea that since they could not have an abortion they will kill their baby right after birth, thinking they would get away with it and continue on with there lives before the whole wrenched scene. After all of these scenarios are considered fairly by an open-minded person, abortion is the better of them. Many of those who are pro life argue that any of these situations are preferable to abortion. They ultimate goal, they think, is to have the child be alive. They claim that it is unfair and unjust for anyone to take that choice of life away from the fetus. Essentially, what they really want is to take the choice away from the mother and give it to the unborn child, giving them this wonderful prospect to be brought into a loveless, forlorn, and cold society.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

A Local Restaurant and Western Restaurant

When trying to decide where to dine, either at a local restaurant or at a western restaurant, patrons should consider several aspects that concern these dining places. Some of these aspects include the food selection, the service provided and the ambience of each restaurant. When we talk about the food selection, both the restaurant must have a variety of menus as this is one that captured the quality required to be on every restaurant. However, as we all know, Malaysian people are of different race.So, usually, we can find three types of food at local restaurant such as nasi lemak of Malay cuisine, Chinese cuisine such as Char Kway Teow and Indian cuisine like roti canai. For western restaurant, although their foods recently are influence by the local food but its main foods are usually steak, chicken chop and spaghetti. Besides that, the western restaurants usually are sequential in serving their foods which are the appetizer, main course and desserts.On the other hand, the local r estaurant is only having the main course and only some of the local restaurants provide dessert like cendol or ais kacang. Secondly, when going to restaurant, we usually are comparing the service of the restaurant with the others. So, when comparing local restaurant with western restaurant, western restaurant will give a good impression to us. Western restaurants usually employ more waiter and waitress that are trained well whereas the waiter and waitress of local restaurant are usually shorthanded and we even can find some of them act rude to the customers.Due to more number of waiters, the food service for western restaurant is better than local restaurant where we can experience of waiting for so long for our foods at local restaurant. Furthermore, the waiters of western are usually standardized with their own uniform as the badge for the restaurant while local restaurant’s waiters are not provided with uniform by the restaurant. As the conclusion, we can say that western restaurant give more efficient service than the local restaurant.Another difference between western restaurant and local restaurant is the ambience. Both western and local restaurant will provide a place with relaxed and soothing environment to the customers so that they will feel comfortable to dine. However, western restaurant have quiet ambience with soft music sets whereas the local restaurant is a bit noisy and usually not included with musical set instead some are included by a karaoke set. Furthermore, western restaurants are designed with modern and creative high class decorative ffects to attract attention and impress the customers. In contrast, local restaurants are simply decorated, but have so many atmospheres which are compatible with its modest budget. However, both are design and decorate well so that the customers can look around and find a new item and experience if they have to wait. Thus, to decide whether to dine at a local restaurant or western restaurant, facto rs such as the food selection, ambience of the restaurant and the service provided should be taken into consideration.

African American Dance Essay

Assignment: After viewing the video â€Å"Dance on the Wind: Memoirs of a Mississippi Shaman† what is your opinion of the connection that Mr. Washington makes between African dance and African American Dance? Do you agree or disagree? Please be specific as to why and use examples. If you agree give an example of a popular African American dance in which you see the connection with African Dance. Your assignment should be in essay format and a minimum of one page typed. My Response: The connection in my opinion is the Mr. Washington made a connection between African-American Dance from his child-hood memories because his parents had to complete personalities as for his mother’s side of the family he took the memories of the dancing in church and being in the mist of the Holy Spirit and brainstormed some stick figures and contemplated on how his body could smoothly get through each step flawlessly. As for his father side of the family enjoyed dancing every. Saturday and he realized the common factor was the rhythm and blues and that they each danced to feel freedom and immortality and to show enjoyment and fulfillment of hard work. As he grew older he gained more access to the world and traveling. So he went a paid his ancient ancestors, he was amazed at what he saw and immediately put himself in his ancestors shoes. Culturally he is an American but religiously, spiritually he is an African American. So the connection was the rhythm and blues and the ancestors’ roots of music.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Btn 7 - Geiger

BTN 7-4 – Page 312 TO: Wendy Geiger DATE: June 19, 2011 SUBJECT: Manual Accounting Modifications for Expanded Business M E M O R A N D U M This memo is to advise you of the best possible ways for you to modify your current manual accounting system to accommodate the expanded business activities for your retail store. Pursuant to our conversation, you generally obtain your goods on credit using purchase orders, and your sales are primarily cash. You currently keep your manual accounting system using a general journal and a general ledger, and you make one summary entry for cash sales at the end of each business day. Due to increased demand for your products and higher sales volume, including credit sales, maintaining the accounting records has become time consuming, but you would like to continue with your manual system. Allow me to provide pertinent information that will assist you in continuing your manual system in the most efficient way. The accounting information system is one that collects and processes relevant data from transactions, and organizes them into relevant reports. This system is also used to report and record the exchange of goods and/or services. It is critical for you to understand how and what transactions are occurring in your business. A small business like yours can be effective with a manual process and with the use of special journals and subsidiary ledgers. With the issues you mentioned in mind, most of your transactions can be categorized into the special journals with the use of four individual journals to complement the general journal you are currently using. Special journals are used to record and post transactions, and are uniquely designed for each business, but for most merchandising companies, the journals used are sales journals, for recording sales on credit; cash receipts journals, to record sales made by cash; purchases journals, for recording goods obtained on credit; and cash disbursements journals, for recording payments made by cash. You are also able to use this format for your ledger. In order to understand special journals, it is necessary for you to understand that a subsidiary ledger is a list of detailed information on specific accounts of individuals with some commonality in the general ledger. One critical ledger is Accounts Receivable, which stores transactions of individual customers. This ledger will give relevant information on the individual customer, the date of purchase, the amount paid, and the amount owed. The other important ledger is Accounts Payable, which stores relevant data of individual suppliers. You would generate this ledger with similar information gleaned from my instructions regarding the Accounts Receivable ledger. These two ledgers are critical for recording your data, and they eliminate the need for posting same in the general ledger. The numbers at the bottom indicate the respective accounts delineated in your Chart of Accounts. You are already summarizing each cash sales at the end of each business day, but my advice would be for you to continue recording the daily sales and purchases because it is necessary for you to balance your subsidiary ledger with your general ledger. Daily reconciliation will enable you to track any and all discrepancies more easily. Total your sales journal accounts at the end of each month and this amount should be the amount in the debit column in the Accounts Receivable. Regarding the last column, you will find more consistency in your inventory system if you follow this procedure. I cannot stress the importance of proving the account balances in the general ledger and subsidiary ledgers periodically for accuracy after posting. You will first prepare a trial balance of the general ledger and confirm that all your debits are in balance with your credits. Additionally, Prepare a schedule of individual accounts and amounts. This is referred to as testing the subsidiary ledger. Generate a schedule of your customers accounts to show the balance owed. If everything balances, the accounts are assumed correct. This method of accounting information system might seem challenging to you at first, but I assure you that this is the most advantageous way for you to maintain your manual system. It is imperative you balance your journals and ledgers every day, without fail, to avoid any unnecessary discrepancies. The example I have provided should be a head start and I am always available if you need additional information, or if I can be of further

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

In this Paper You Will Discuss and Analyze an Aspect of Film Essay

In this Paper You Will Discuss and Analyze an Aspect of Film - Essay Example Hence, the aspects of culture that are portrayed in these films have been seen as a depiction of American culture. Many people who are not American Citizens but do watch this depictions always believe that what is portrayed is the American culture as it is. This paper seeks to shade more light by discussing aspects of American Film and Cultural theory. Through class readings and a number of films as a source of material, that text will discuss three major films that have made a worldwide audience. Hollywood is the biggest producer of films in the world. Most of Hollywood’s production finds a worldwide audience. The storyline of most of Hollywood’s production that touch the Middle East has elicited strong reactions both locally and internationally. Scholars, film theorists and cultural theorists have always repeatedly claimed that Hollywood has been used to misrepresent the Middle East while promoting the US wider agenda of expansionist. For the purposes of these discuss ions, this paper will reflect on three such films that have elicited strong reactions from the Middle East. These are, The Kingdom, Syriana and One Day in September. The first film that this paper will reflect upon is The Kingdom. The Kingdom is a film by Peter Berg produced in 2007. It features Jamie Foxx, Jennifer Garner, Chris Cooper and Jason Bateman. The story line of the film is the usual most common American agents searching for Terrorists in the Middle East. The film traces the storyline of Agent Ronald Fleury and an elite team of four operatives who hunt down a terrorist in Riyadh. The team’s main task is to destroy the terrorist cell, which has killed Americans working in Saudi Arabia.While in the Saudi Capital, the team finds itself in a culture shock as the Saudi culture is quite knew to them. The corrupt politicians and the law enforcement agencies that hinder their quest become an obstacle. However, one Saudi police officer helps the team in their quest for just ice and destruction of the terrorist cell. The second film that this paper will apply in the discussion is Syriana. Syriana is a film that was produced in 2006 by Stephen Gaghan. Syriana transcends a geopolitical theme with petroleum and oil industry politics at its center. The film centers around four major characters who are a central intelligence Agency operative, an energy analyst, a Washington attorney, and a young and unemployed Pakistani worker. The film employs multiple story lines top tell the experiences of the four people who feel the effect of politics in the oil Industry. The stories of the four men are the ones that form the basis of interpretation in this essay. The last Film that this essay explores is the movie One Day in September. This is a 1999 documentary shot and directed by Kevin McDonald. The film documentary reflects on the 1972 terrorist attack on the Munich Summer Olympics that left 11 Israeli Athletes dead. In this documentary, the veteran actor Michael D ouglas provides a light narration as the storyline unfolds. The historical events of Munich 1972 are brought into play as the film revolves ion the events that took place. The Palestinian terrorists and their agenda are well covered in the film. The documentary also shows that lax security by Germany security led to the death of the Israel Athletes. The widow of the Israeli coach taken hostage is interviewed while one of the remaining and surviving terrorists is also interviewed. Robin Bernstein in his article titled Dances With

Monday, August 12, 2019

EvidenceBased Practice Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

EvidenceBased Practice - Coursework Example The open-ended questions are useful where the researcher is not aware of the expected responses and are a characteristic of the qualitative research (Houser, 2013). Reliability is the concern seeking to address the issue of stability and consistency. Tools and other instrumentations need to project stable and consistent results when the research or experiment gets repeated over time. In research, reliability is the condition through which a measurement process yields this consistency in the scores received given there are no changes in phenomenon over repeated measurements. Reliability is essential in that the results attained depict the actual measures affecting a particular phenomenon. In that case, the researcher can prescribe the best remedy and make a conclusion regarding the issue under consideration (QMSS, n.d). Researchers need to ensure that instrumentations are reliable before relying on the information from this hardware in reach a conclusion. High levels of reliability reduce measurement errors and in the case actual effects of an intervention get identified. To achieve reliability then the researcher needs to consider the calibration especially in the measure of non-physiologic characteristics in the instrumentation and between raters (Houser,

Sunday, August 11, 2019

As janie goes throuth life her search for self identity takes many Essay - 1

As janie goes throuth life her search for self identity takes many terns for the worse and a few for betters, but in the end she finds her true identity. Discus. five paragraphs - Essay Example ined to be filled with unfortunate circumstances of abuse or injustice and while Leafy’s character according to the novel serves as a reflection of weakness that ran away from her obligation of potential hope, in the person of her daughter, Janie proves otherwise. With an arranged marriage to Logan Killicks Janie, in her innocence, anticipates a loving kind of relationship only to be disillusioned by Logan’s objective of acquiring a wife to be a hard-working partner in tending his farm. At this stage, readers may already sense the likelihood of a dramatic turning point bound at allowing Janie to perceive how unbearable it could get to live a life with a man she is forced into. To this extent, a picture and sentiment of a helpless girl at the verge of losing esteem and recognition of her purpose is quite poignant and the author seemingly meant to indicate an aspect of injustice toward women in the form of slavery and of violating their will or being entitled to personal decision. This is all the more aggravated by an overall view of gender inequality in male domination over Janie’s situation as a wife. The quest for comfort and self-worth proceeds as Janie gathers sufficient strength to leave L. Killicks and find solace and affection with Joe Starks, a lover who makes acquisition of a significant parcel of land in Eatonville on which he puts up merchandising establishment by employing the service of town inhabitants who highly approves of him and in return, entrusts him to become their mayor. Once again, Janie is about to discover herself in a position unfavorably governed and configured by her husband who restricts her image to the level that only enhances his desired reputation though at the expense of his wife’s right to social freedom. Upon his loss, Janie sets out in appeasing settlement of confusing distress as she makes a third encounter that would essentially be the key to refining her foundation of real character. Her relationship with Tea Cake

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Analyse and critically evaluate the implementation of the 'Widenening Essay

Analyse and critically evaluate the implementation of the 'Widenening Participation in Higher Education' Policy in the context of New Right Ideology - Essay Example UK) in 2000 is anything to go by, while 48% of the higher social groups opted for improving their educational backgrounds, only 18% from the lower groups participated in the same. The gap between both the social groups was around 30%, a figure on the higher side. Some reasons that have been cited for this trend include the inability to bear the overall expenses of studying for a higher university degree, the desire to earn money rather than study, and the feeling that good institutions and good jobs are closed doors for them. Furthermore, it did not help matters that the ones in control had their own views about students and higher education. It was Margaret Thatcher and her government who ushered in New Right Ideology to deal with matters concerning higher education. These were her very words, â€Å"We are going much further with education than we ever thought of doing before† (Margaret Thatcher 196). This government took control in 1987, and their agenda can be summed up to include four major changes that they brought into the system. The first one was to make all educational institutions directly responsible for their finances and budgeting. It resulted in fierce competition between schools and colleges, since those that exhibited wonderful results in external examinations would be favored with more finances. Scholarly pursuits got relegated to the background, and the focus was shifted to attracting as many students as possible to respective institutions. This had not been the old pattern of th inking. In earlier days, the bureaucracy interfered as less as possible, believing that universities and institutions were meant for intellectual development more than anything else. complete success. A number of researches and studies were then carried out and as a result, modern educational policy makers have shifted their focus to widening participation in higher education and free access. They hope for some betterment in the system now at least! Now, what is meant

12 Billion Pounds NHS Computer Scheme Project Essay

12 Billion Pounds NHS Computer Scheme Project - Essay Example The IT system was integrated and new medical systems was enabled at individual hospitals. The NHS started as one of the largest public healthcare system implementation, which was needed for improving the overall service of the health care industry. Mintzberg et al (2005, p.8) comment ‘Strategy is a pattern, that is, consistency in behaviour over time. A company that perpetually markets the most expensive products in its industry pursues what is commonly called a high-end strategy, just as a person who always accepts the most challenging of jobs may be described as pursuing a high-risk strategy.’ The Project Management Process and Planning If the organization moves from simple system to complex, its environment and a number of other aspects needed to be modified. Employee and staff relationship is also important in this regard where the new relationships, departments and new skills are defined (Appleton, 1999). Change leads to resistance and confusion (Glover et al., 1999 ). The â€Å"Connecting for health† was the brand name given for automating and integrating the heath care service in UK. The plan was to automate a range of functions, including mundane services such as enabling members to use online system to making book appointments having their GPs (general practitioners). Clinically sensitive functions such as maintaining patient records and managing scans were part of the project. The whole system already posed a range of software system, which achieved few functions but these systems were not integrated fully. The common model for implementation involved questions such as What are we trying to accomplish? How we consider change is an improvement What changes can be achieved for improvement The project implementation processes involves - Study, Plan, Act and Do. The project lifecycle of NHS was determined through gateways such as the following- Strategic assessment (The earliest stage was to set up the business strategies and to make th e initial feasibility study) Business justification (After the development of program brief and business case, the business justification was identified, which requires detailed analysis of the project, capital investments, cash flow, operating expenditure such as salaries, maintenance materials, lease and revenue) Delivery strategy The investment decision Readiness for service (The project manager opts for implementation method for minimizing changes and improving coordination with interfaces from different stakeholders and suppliers is determined) Assessment of project, operational review and benefit realisation (The project should be able to provide benefits for decades) The security system of the project was developed with the help of Spine, which is the provider of security, and security measures were also compiled in the early stage of development. Wells (1996, p. 80) states ‘Sub organizations should create lower-level measurement plans that link with the corporate strat egic measurement plan. If the sub-organization has a separate strategic plan, then it will also need a separate strategic measurement plan. If the sub organization’s strategic plan starts at the strategy or objective level, it needs to have measures that link directly to the corporate strategic measurements. In the event that only a few measures can be linked, the sub organization should create additional strategic measurements that better describe its outcomes.’ The portfolio approach has been adopted by the project management teams for managing software development risk (McFarlan, 1981). Prior to this, risk was only considered from the technological perspective (Anderson and Narasumhan, 1979) and from the software development view (Barki, et al. 1993). For IT implementation the project should

Friday, August 9, 2019

Claim Response Letter Delivering Negative News Essay

Claim Response Letter Delivering Negative News - Essay Example I want to be categorically clear that at the moment, due to logistics we are not willing to offer any resale or promotional activities (May & Regina, 36). However, in the future the company may decide to offer such activities. This will be communicated in the newspapers and mainstream media should the management decide so. On behalf of the company, we wish to state that we are sorry for the miscommunication and misunderstanding on your part. Digital Inc will not comply with the request because this was a case of misunderstanding. As already mentioned above, we share almost the same name. Our offices are located in close proximities to each other. We realize that that this is a case of miscommunication by the newspaper and the newsrooms that ran the advert. However, I wish to state on behalf of the company that in the future we would be more careful about creating our unique name and logos (different ones) so that this confusion does not arise again. We understand your disappointment about the supposed promotion and any stress it might have caused you. Similarly, we wish to state that in the future when we carry such promotions, we will communicate the same effectively and candidly. The company we share a name with and have striking similarities has since apologized and communicated the same to media houses and online platforms. We would also like to state that several other complaints have been launched, and the Digital Corporation has announced they are looking into the issues decisively. Our company would like to announce that it would soon carry out promotions in three months. You may want to participate in the fabulous promotion that is set to run for three months. All you have to do is visit any of our digital outlets and buy any gadgets of your choice, and you could win great prizes. Besides, you can find us online via or read about us in the newspapers or

Thursday, August 8, 2019

The opportunities and challenges that a Chinese firm faces while Essay

The opportunities and challenges that a Chinese firm faces while entering into Saudi Arabian market - Essay Example The present research has identified that in the recent times, it has been observed that increasing number of firms are going global which includes sectors like manufacturing, service, art, music and film among others. International business leads to enhanced flow of capital, services as well as ideas across the world. Consumers are offered with new choices and the companies are facilitated to innovate various new products as well as services. It has also been observed that international business assists in offering challenging employment opportunities to the people. Those transactions that are carried out in or with countries abroad in order to content the goals of the individuals, companies as well as organizations are referred to as international businesses. There are numerous types of international businesses such as export-import trade, foreign direct investment, licensing, and franchising and management contracts. It has been observed that since the past thirty years of operatio n, the volume of international trade has augmented from $200 billion to more than $7.5 trillion. In comparison to the global exports, there is rise in the sales of the foreign affiliates by a significant amount. The best thing that can be identified in the context of international business is that it has been successful in creating a network related to global connections that is capable of binding two countries, institutions as well as individuals because of trade, financial markets, technology as well as living standards. In the context of this study, the Chinese firm which is into retail sector wants to enter into Gulf Cooperation Council based country i.e., Saudi Arabia is considered. The Chinese firm will hire a consultant in order to gain advice on making such a move. The consultant will try to identify and offer advices on the challenges as well as opportunities when undertaking such a move into gulf countries. The project will begin with industry-specific characteristics. In order to do so, diamond model will be used. The project will also try to identify the general business contexts both national (China) as well as international (Saudi-Arabia). This will be conducted with the help of the PESTEL analysis. The next logical step followed after having identified the business context is to identify the most

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

The literature relating to Effects of Internet Essay Example for Free

The literature relating to Effects of Internet Essay This chapter discusses the literature relating to Effects of Internet use and Internet Addiction (IA). The first section introduces the background of the Internet and identifies the prevalence of IA. The second section discusses the definitions of addiction and their relevance to IA. Background of the Internet The Internet was established in the early 1960s and subsequently became a mainstream communication vehicle (Moschovitis, Polle, Schuyler, Senft, 1999; Schneider, et al., 2006). Since that time, there has been remarkable growth in the Internet‟s functionality, capacity, accessibility and convenience. These improvements have encouraged more people to use it more often, and it has become a powerful application in modern society. As of 2010, 28.7% of the worlds population used Internet services (Internet World Stats, 2010b). The Internet is a massive, computer-linked network system used globally to access and convey information, either by personal or business computer users; it is also used for communication, research, entertainment, education and business transactions (Kraut, et al., 1998; Schneider, et al., 2006). Today, the Internet can link all online computers so that people can use it to communicate throughout the world (Schneider, et al., 2006). Prevalence of IA. The prevalence of IA has been examined in many countries among school student cohorts (see Table 2.1). IA has been reported at a wide range of rates, from a low of 1% in Greece (Tsitsika, et al., 2009) to a high of 36.7% in Italy (Milani, et al., 2009). Most research has reported a prevalence rate 10% or less, for example, 1.6% in South Korea (Kima et al., 2006), 2% in Norway (Johansson Gà ¶testam, 2004), 2.4% in China (Cao Su, 2006), 4% in South Korea (Lee, et al., 2007), 4.6% in Australia (Thomas Martin, 2010), 6% in Poland (Zboralski, et al., 2009), and 7.1% in China (Lang, Jia, Li, Su, 2008). However, a few studies have reported a high prevalence rate of IA among students, for example, 10.7% in South Korea  (Park, Kim, Cho, 2008), 10.8% in China (Lam, et al., 2009), 18.2% in Taiwan (Ko, et al., 2007), and 36.7% in Italy (Milani, et al., 2009). Internet addiction. The first study of IA was conducted by Young (1996), who reported that 79.88% of 496 general Internet users were classified as Internet dependents, using the 24 Diagnostic Questionnaire DQ via email and telephone survey. IA has increasingly been recognized as a potential problem since the introduction of the term by Goldberg in 1996 (Marshall, 1999). While different approaches to different addictions fill the literature, essentially the same ideas about addiction and many of the same behaviours are being described, whether it is substance dependence, pathological gambling, or technology addiction, (Horvath, 2004; McIlwraith, et al., 1991). IA has generally been defined as an inability to control the use of the Internet, causing psychological, social, family, school and work impairment (Davis, 2001; Young Rogers, 1998). However, the terminology or labels for IA are inconsistent in the literature. This study uses the term IA to encompass all the various terms used in the literature. As yet, there are no standard diagnostic criteria for IA agreed upon in the literature. Nevertheless, most researchers acknowledge the existence of IA. As Griffiths (1998) noted, â€Å"Excessive use of the Internet may not be problematic in most cases but the limited case study evidence suggests that for some individuals, excessive Internet use is a real addiction and of genuine concern† (p. 73). Researchers have also tried to develop an accurate assessment tool in order to diagnose IA. For example, a well known assessment tool to classify IA was introduced by Young (1996) in the form of an eight-item Diagnostic Questionnaire (DQ) which was based on pathological gambling criteria. The DQ utilizes a set of yes/no questions regarding preoccupation with the Internet, the amount of time spent on the Internet, and the negative impacts of the Internet use. Since the introduction of Young’s instrument (Young, 1996), several other assessment tools have been developed.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Appeal Letter Essay Example for Free

Appeal Letter Essay Id be happy to give you some suggestions if youll take them. I was an English major in college and I currently work as a copywriter for a company, so hopefully I can give you a few tips to make your letter more formal. How about this: Dear Office of Student Financial Aid, My name is *your name* and I am writing to ask you to appeal my suspension of federal aid. The fall and summer semesters were a very stressful and overwhelming time in my life because I was not only returning to school after being out of it for ten years, but I was also taking care of my seven children, sharing one car between my husband and myself, and also working a full-time job. It was very difficult for me to concentrate and do well in my classes when I had to put my family ahead of myself. I do realize that I neglected my studies and I would like another chance to do better in them. I have compiled a list of steps I need to take in order to be successful in school: 1. I will resign from my full-time job in order to give my full attention to school. 2. I will obtain a tutor for my most difficult classes by becoming familiar with the tutoring center on campus. 3. I will talk to each of my instructors personally to find out how I can do well in their classes. 4. I will manage my time wisely so that I can balance my family and studies together. 5. I will attend all of my classes to take advantage of what they have to offer. My goal is to earn a degree in education so that I can make a difference in the lives of young students. This is very important to me because I want to make sure that they dont make the same mistakes that I did. But I can only do this if I can apply for financial aid. I am a hard-working student and a dedicated mother, and I would like the chance to prove to you that my next semester will not be a disappointment. I will try my hardest to be good role model to my family and other students.

Monday, August 5, 2019

Why Is Indian Currency Falling Economics Essay

Why Is Indian Currency Falling Economics Essay The value of Indian currency has weakened over the last 15 years. The Indian rupee fell 0.7 per cent against the US dollar at 55.71 on the back of a weak trade data. The Indian rupee has shed close to 25 per cent value over the past one year.  It is likely to fall further.   1) Exports falling: One of the main reasons for Indian currency falling is the exports falling which leads to trade deficit. The demand for US$ goes up with the increase in trade deficit. Indias trade deficit increased to $ 15.5bn in July 2012 which is significantly higher than $ 10.3bn reported in June 2012. The trade deficit occurs when a country imports more goods and services than exports.   2) Current account deficit could rise: India is not being able to achieve the export target of $ 350bn. Due to this; Indias current account deficit could be higher than expected. This occurs when import of goods and services is higher than their exports. A higher current account deficit contributes to weaken the currency.   3) Dependence on foreign flows: In order to finance the current account deficit India needs strong foreign capital. However, the probability of allocating more money by the foreign invertors to India is poor. Therefore, India requires reforms to reduce deficits and to boost up the growth in infrastructure through investment.   4) Fiscal deficit: A fiscal deficit occurs when governments expenditure exceeds the earning through taxes and other sources of income. The government borrowing from the Reserve Bank of India shows the fiscal deficit. It is important for countries to keep it under control. A large fiscal deficit forces central banks to print more money and stoke inflation which decreases the value of money.   5) Growth slows: To sustain the high expenses and boost exports, India needs a strong growth rate. However, the balance of payment is not positive. It is expected that India will grow at less than 6 per cent in 2012-13 and at the same time, a weak monsoon could again increase the food price. This leads to inflation. Appreciation and depreciation for Indian currency: Rupee is the Indian currency. Just like any commodity the Rupee also has a price which keeps fluctuating. The US Dollar being universal currency, all prices of currencies are generally expressed in Dollars. Hence in case of the Rupee, its price at any point in time maybe say, Rs.45/$. With the change of the indicators the value of the rupee as per the dollar changes. When value of Indian currency increases i.e. say Rs.40/$ it is said to have Appreciated (Value) in the reverse case say Rs.50/$ then the Rupee Depreciates (Value). Rupee changes values for a range of reasons, like if US performs very well then people will demand more US dollars, exchanging their rupee. This Demand will raise the price of the US dollar and hence depreciate the Indian Rupee .For e.g.:   Let us assume that in case, you go to a bank and asks the bank that you intend to buy US$100, please tell me what is the amount of INR you have to pay.  Ã‚   Bank informs you that you need to pay Rs 5410/-.   This means you can buy US$ @ Rs.54.10 per dollar.  Ã‚   This is the selling rate of the said bank for US $ for that day. Now after one month, you go to bank and again ask the bank that you wish to buy US$ 100, and bank tells you that this time you have to pay Rs.5490.   This means you have pay more to receive the same amount of US $.  Ã‚   This means the local currency has depreciated. This will be known as Depreciation of Indian Rupee.   In the above example, it is clear that value of INR has gone when compared to US$. On the other hand, if the rate quoted by bank on second occasion is say Rs. 5380/-.  Ã‚   It will be considered as appreciation of INR as this time you have to pay less amount to buy the same amount of US$. How weakening rupee against dollar impact India? The Weakening rupee against the US dollar makes the imports, overseas travel and studies at foreign universities more expensive. The sharp fall of Indian currency against the US dollar rises the price of edible oil, petroleum products, fuels and white good. White goods and phone maker are considering a 2-10% increase in prices. But weakening the rupee against dollar is cheering exporters and families that depend on remittances. Some of the impacts of weakening rupee against dollar in India are as follows: More rupees for dollars remitted. Exporters get more rupees against dollars. As foreigners will have to pay fewer dollars for vacationing in India tourism may get little hike. Students wanting to study abroad will have to pay higher fee and living charges in rupee terms. More rupee would be needed to fund foreign education. Travelling overseas get more expensive as one has to shell out more rupees for the same amount of dollars. One would have to keep more rupees on hand to purchase dollars to fund foreign travel. Imports to get costlier. Companies will have to pay more for repaying foreign debt. The price of oil, petrol, diesel and fuel will go up substantially. The LPG could also become high. As the result of price hike of fuel, the transportation cost will also go up and the increase in the transportation cost leads to rise on the price of the goods causing higher inflation. Higher oil import bill could put greater strain on government finances, given clamor for higher subsidies. Electronic goods which depend on imports and royalty become more expensive. NRI and exporters would be happy and can be expected to remit more dollars as they would get a higher price. Companies like IT software, Pharmacy and BPO would gain from the dollars that they earn by providing goods and service abroad. How far will it fall? Currently $1=53.58 but the experts have predicted that it may hit 55 in 2013(this year) given the weak fundamentals of the economy. RUPEE APPRECIATION IN RELATION TO DOLLAR: The appreciation of rupee affects the whole economy. Appreciation occurs because of the inflow of dollar and the rupee is pushed higher be exporters selling pressure. Another reason for appreciation of rupees is increase in flow of funds through foreign institutional investors. The appreciating rupees also affect various sectors of economy both positively and negatively. RUPEE APPRECIATION IN RELATION TO DOLLAR AS A BOON  Ã‚ ® By the appreciation of the rupee, importers are benefited the most. They have to pay fewer rupees in terms of dollars i.e. more dollar denominated goods can be purchased from lesser amount of rupee.  Ã‚ ®Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Energy(oil, fuel, petrol, diesel, etc) dependent sectors will benefit more comparing to others since import cost will decrease.  Ã‚ ®Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚   The profit margin of the companies importing the raw materials from the foreign market to produce the goods having domestic demand will increase.  Ã‚ ®Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  The cost of machineries and equipment that are imported will be lesser which benefits the capital goods sectors.  Ã‚ ®Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  It is also a good sign for governments financial health because in the long run a stronger rupee would be sound for the Indian economy and will bring Indias purchasing power at par with other currencies.  Ã‚ ®Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Appreciation of rupee also benefits the oil marketing companies like BPCL, HPCL, and IOC which purchases crude oil from abroad.  Ã‚ ®Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚   rupee appreciation is a good sign for any currency. In a long run the rupee may gain more value as currency due to strengthening the rupee value in the foreign exchange marker. â‚ ¬Ã‚   RUPEE DEPRECIATION IN RELATION TO DOLLAR Since the independence till today rupee is continuously depreciating. It had reached the level of 53.58 in February 2013. However service export and NRI remittance witnessed solid which resulted in current account surplus and a turnaround for the country running in trade deficits in the past. Gradual depreciation of the rupee contributes to substitute direct export subsidy. Lower rupee benefits exporter as the exporter can lower the price and sell in the foreign market. RUPEE DEPRECIATION IN RELATION TO DOLLAR AS A BOON  Ã‚ ® Rupee depreciation can attract overseas buyers which helps the exports to grow faster.  Ã‚ ®Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Rupee depreciation can increase export which also increases the export competitiveness that helps the economy to grow. It becomes easier for the exporters to survive in the foreign market as they can lower the price to increase sales volume.  Ã‚ ®Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Indias foreign structure also support weak rupee since it includes leather, textiles, gems and jeweler and most of the manufacturers and exporters are medium and small sized who are operating on low margins and they can not absorb currency risks but weak rupee can allow them to sell their product at lower price.  Ã‚ ®About two-thirds of Indias IT revenue is in terms of dollar. So for the IT companies, the weakening rupees means an increase in the operating profits as they will receive more rupees for each dollar earned.  Ã‚ ®The export of textile business with lower profit margins will go up with the depreciating rupee which directly benefits the textile industries  Ã‚ ®Depreciating rupee is like an invitation to commodity sector. US being the largest importer, majority of the Indian commodity exports are dollar denominated. The metal companies especially the iron-ore exporters would be benefited as they will have gains accruing from lower global commodities prices on account of rising dollar. RUPEE DEPRECIATION IN RELATION TO DOLLAR AS A BANE  Ã‚ ®Importers are the biggest losers from the depreciation of the rupee as they have to pay more rupees in terms of dollars i.e. less dollar denominated goods has to be purchased by paying higher amount of rupee.  Ã‚ ® The cost of import will increase which also increases of oil, fuel, petroleum products etc.  Ã‚ ®The profit margin of the companies importing the raw materials from the foreign market to produce the goods having domestic demand will decline.  Ã‚ ® As large number of machineries and equipments are imported in the capital goods sectors it is not beneficial for such sectors.  Ã‚ ® A weaker rupee means weaker Indias purchasing power as compare with other currencies. This affects the financial condition of the government and the country in the long run.  Ã‚ ®Oil marketing companies like BPCL, HPCL, and IOC which import crude oil will have to pay higher import bill with the fall in rupee which will adversely affect the oil market.  Ã‚ ®Telecom companies like AIRTEL, Idea with huge requirement for import capital expenditure stand to lose from a fall in the rupee value.  Ã‚ ® Depreciation is not a good sign for any currency. In a long run the rupee may lose its value as currency due to weakening the rupee value in the foreign exchange marker.